Monday, October 1, 2007

Tornado Warning

I was sound asleep in my bed this morning and was awakened by this shrill siren going off outside. I had no idea what was going on. It lasted for about 2 minutes and then came on once again! I was terrified because their I am in my pajamas, alone in a home without a basement, Brian is at school, my phone won't work and I think I have just heard sirens for a tornado warning. Oh yeah-just to top it off last night we had a terrible and severe rain and thunder storm, confirming my concerns. I have no idea what I am supposed to do. So, I run downstairs and manage to get the internet up to see if their is anything in the headlines. I can't find anything so I google it. Sure enough, I find it was indeed a tornado warning....that they routinely perform the first Monday of the month--granted that their is not occasion for a real alert. I check the weather just to be sure and find.....nothing alarming, thank goodness! Geeze, scare the bejeebers out of me! I did however take the opportunity to read up on a few tips about what to do in the case of a real tornado warning so that next time I won't be so clueless.


Adrea said...

Laughed my guts out! That is so funny and I wish I could have been there to see you freaking out mindy! But seriously be really careful when there is a tornado for real.

Brooke Bowen said...

Great blog! I didn't even think about tornados when you said you were moving to Iowa, but yea, scary! So, I too painted red recently and I know how hard it is!! I had no idea the project I was getting myself into! Well your house looks awesome! It was so fun to talk to you last night!

Danielle said...

What a funny story! I would have freaked out! :) I think it would be fun to set up a blog with all the friends as well -its such a fun way to keep in touch, even though we're all so spread out!

Your house is SO cute! It makes me really want a nursery too, although that will probably won't happen for a while for us. :) How are you liking your new job? Mine is interesting... I'm a dental assistant, and I hate the blood, but its ok. Actually, I don't feel like its a good fit for me, but we need money, so...I'm staying for that, at least for now. But I think I should fly out and have you teach my aesthetics.:)

Emron Andrew said...

LOL. I wish I could have been there to see that, or that it was on video.