I am using my blog to blow off a little steam--I am so bugged, angry, and disappointed in the coverage of the presidential primaries from the media. It is so compeletely biased and ridiculous. Brian and I have been watching this year's election really closely with all of the debates, forums, caucuses, and polling. The only people they give time to on the Rebulican side are Huckabee and McCain. Ewwww!! I can't stand either one of them. I feel like Huckabee is so out of touch with what is going on in the world. All he knows how to do is play the religion card. He has no real substanitial plans on any issues and just seems way too idealisitc.
McCain, on the other hand, will probably die on us in office, if he even makes it that far. I do not agree with his constant personal hits at Romney. Romney at least attacked McCain's record and stand on issues, not his personal character. I really don't like McCain's idea for immigration and I just really think that he lacks the skills and mind set to change what needs to be changed.
I really like Romney's ideas regarding health care and immigration. I think that he has the experience and business mind-set to really improve our economy, which is seriously struggling. I like how he presents himself and I think that he is very concise in his responses to questions. While no politician is perfect, I would much rather see Romney head this country than any of the before mentioned, and for sure any democrat running.
Romney took 2nd in Iowa, 1st in Wyoming (which the media never covered and barely even mentioned), 2nd in New Hampshire, 1st in Michigan(which the media also downplayed due to the fact that his father was a governor there) 1st in Nevada today (which they are not covering because it was "uncontested"), and for the first time will probably finish 3rd in South Carolina.
There is not one other Republican candidate that has that stong of a record and yet, they continue to make excuses for his wins! He does NOT get the amount of positive air time that everyone else does. However, they will be the first to report anything negative on him. I am so absolutely frustrated! At least in the end it is the number of delegates you win and not the media that decides, but seeing as how the media has such a strong influence on people I wish they would try to be a little more objective!